Friday, January 7, 2011

cerita FUiYO 2010.

hey ya!

sekarang i'm in full spirit to tell stories about my journey to FUiYO!
thank you sayang-sayang sebab bagi semangat balik.

apa itu FUiYO?

Fun With iluvIslam's Youth Overseas

seperti yang semua sedia maklum, time winter break, haruslah ada program yang menarik.
there were a few more such as PMS, JUMS, and PUISI.
but i chose to go to FUiYO.
kenapa ya?
kenapa saya pergi FUiYO?
ini semua kerana galakan senior-senior dan kawan-kawan.

and alhamdulillah.
i was one of the earliest to register. (yakin saja)
aiman tag saja gambar FUiYO, terus laju-laju register.
after a few weeks register, barulah promotion JUMS, PUISI and PMS sampai.
sorry encik-encik program.
i made my choice. :)

firstly, i was quite worried as i was not certain about my 'niat' going there.
adakah sebab nak jalan-jalan atau apa?
jumpa kawan ke??!
but, ada senior yang baik hati and comel kata, kita menikmati keindahan ciptaan Allah sambil tu, enjoy la program semua.
after that, i tried hard laa untuk betulkan niat.
at times, rasa sangat malas nak pergi, tapi gagahkan juga.

and we departed days earlier as we stopped by and melawat sisters and brothers di portsmouth.
opss, lupa pua nak bagitahu, we were joined by sisters from canterbury!
seronok gila! bertambah kawan-kawan.

and that night juga, terjadinya perpisahan antara kami, sisters plymouth dengan akak senior cohort 5.
ish, i did not shed any tears that night
bajet gagah la konon-kononnya.
tapi sangat sedih bila akak-akak sayang nak balik Malaysia. 

our journey to portsmouth wasn't that easy.
ada brother yang terambil train salah.
aish, at that time, saya fikir, 'if that happened to me, macam mana?'
confirm menangis non stop.
but brother yang tersalah naik train itu, cool saja! :)


we arrived kat portsmouth malam.
sangat malam!
segan wooo bila sampai rumah vida.
but dia sangat sweet.
sangat baik.
layan kami elok-elok sahaja.
what were our activities there?
jalan-jalan ke gunwharf!
seronok tengok kedai-kedai!

plymouth + canterbury + portsmouth.

tempat shooping yang can make your wallet empty wei!
gila tak?
apa lagi ek buat kat portsmouth?
oh yeeeeeeeeeeee~
berjalan dengan beg yang berat gilaaaaaaa!
but it was fun cause i was with my dearest ones.

then, next destinationnya ke manchester.
we stayed at kak q's house.
okay! staying at manchester sangat best kot!
orang-orang manchester sangat baik!

and and di rusholme is the heaven for halal food.
boleh dapat halal food dalam sekelip mata sahaja!
aish, bila nak sampai FUiYO ni?

after a day kot di manchester, off we went to waddow hall for FUiYO.
seronok memang seronok because we would definitely gain knowledge and met new friends.
ada problem waktu nak ke waddow hall, the access there was quite difficult due to the weather.
pak cik bas tu cam marah gila, but he still helped us to get to our destination.
thank you ye pak cik.
when we arrived there, ya Allah, cantiknya tempat itu, but it was smelly.
i can't smell sebab agak berhingus hidung waktu itu.
bak kata sisters, bau nature. :)
accommodation nya mantap.
i got STABLES! along with hana and auni and sisters lain yang tak kenal lagi.
like apakah?
kena stay di kandang kuda kah?
the style is like stables, but it was nice except that it was VERYYYYYYYYY cold.
winterlah katakan!
and oh yeah, the snow kat manchester, tebalnyaaaaaaaa!

alright people!
FUiYO time!
the theme was METAMORPHOSIS.
macam butterfly tuuuuuuuuu.

the cycle of being butterfly which started with telur? then caterpillars, kepompong comel and at last they managed to spread their wings.

click here kalau nak jengah website FUiYO.
it was basically about the process of finding your potential.
potential apa?
apa-apa sahaja yang dapat membantu diri kita sendiri dan orang sekeliling.
there were 6 talks by 4 great scholars. (scholars ker? penceramah kot)
and 8 LDKs with the help of great facilitators.

sejujur-jujurnya, banyak ilmu yang saya dapat sepanjang program ini.
bohonglah kalau saya katakan stiada sekelumit pun rasa bosan sepanjang program.
tapi, almost all the time, i actually get myself to focus and listen to the penceramahs.

semuanya tentang FLY.

  • are you ready to fly?
  • it's time to fly.
  • now we can fly.
  • butterfly effect.

haa amek kau!
memang rasa nak terbang sungguh-sungguh.

LDK pula memang mantap.
we savour the picturesque view of waddow hall, we learnt about ourselves and our friends.
we tried to be a consultant, we fought, we fall and we stand up again~
memang unforgettable memories.

kumpulan 2. :)

but, ada yang sedihnya, my dearest sayang hana, fell sick during her second day.
so she didn't manage to join most of the activities.
tapi kami, kawan-kawan ada untuk share. ;)

and oh ye, tujuan saya pergi FUiYO juga ialah untuk cari my hidden potential la kan.
and kebetulan, few days before itu, akak sayang ada bagitahu kami tentang hadis logam.

“Manusia seperti logam, terpilihnya mereka semasa jahiliyyah terpilih juga mereka semasa Islam, sekiranya mereka faham”.

akak sayang cakap, semua orang ada kelebihan masing-masing.
so, it's our duty to find it and bring goodness kepada human being.
aiceh, jadi saya pun berkobar-kobar nak cari. 
and FUiYO's theme memang fits me.
masalahnya, saya raasa saya ada masalah keyakinan diri kot.
i couldn't find any potential in me.
sampai satu tahap, kawan saya kata:
'it takes time Nad!'
then i realised, semuanya kena mula sikit-sikit.
maybe benda yang bagi kita tak berguna, rupa-rupanya sangat membantu orang lain.
or maybe apa yang kita rasa biasa, itulah hidden potential kita.
jadi ayuh Nadiah, cari hidden potential kamu!
jangan jatuh.
kena istiqamah.
kamu semua bantu saya ya?
semoga saya boleh contribute something dalam mana-mana bidang.

okay stop dulu!
ada banyak lagi stories to tell.
tapi tak mahu la semua compact dalam satu entri.
pengsan laa orang nak baca.


qilaraf said...

huhuhu.. sile la sambung cepat2 :P

maNusiA BuMi said...

we will be together in this long time process.. process of learning and improving ourself.. let's be BETTER person in the future! ok nad? =)

nadiahs said...

qilah comel: pergh! tunggu wei. penat tangan aku menari-nari kat laptop ni haaa. kite break jap~

ayein sayang: insyaAllah~ dun let me fall. hold my hand ye.

maNusiA BuMi said...

ok insya Allah nad... i will always hold ur hand.. wipe ur tears and pat ur back when u need me.... ok dear? kate sahabat.. hehhe

Anonymous said...

nad, ko tau x nape ko rasa cam ko xde hidden potential? sebbnye potential2 ko dah clearly developed and u get used to the potential smpai ko dah x rasa potential ko tu istimewa. ko ada confident yg sgt tggi..believe in me nad..

aphyx said... on the way to the clinic sb pengsan tdi baca entri ni..hahaha...
anyway, best! even pjg skit..hehe..bila r aku nk g tempat2 tu ye..hurm..dh la winter plak,,mesti best gile..and about the fuiyo program tu, korang campur dgn bdk2 kos lain kn? sb ada sedara join program ni xsure la yg ni ke apa,,dia blajar kt ireland..tentang keyakinan diri tu mmg susah skit tp klu kita confidence, insyaAllah..cehh..nak jugak aku kan,,benda aku pon low self esteem..haha.. tapi yg penting 'niat' (kna betol,,of coz..haha) kita, untuk berubah jadi lebih baik in future..

nadiahs said...

ayein: ayat nak jiwang kan? hehe. thank you dear.

anonymous: erk thank you. tapi apekahnya? tu la agaknya, dah terbiasa kot, tapi tatau apa yang dah besenye. ;)

bro afiq: eh, pas sedar pengsan, sambg baca ek? bgus2, semagt tu yg kita mahu! :) oh yeke?program ni memang mix pun dengan course2 dr uni yang bersepah2.. ada cousin dtg? dia uni mana? leh kenal2.
nnt bro afiq sambung laa degree sini. :) tul tu, insyaAllah, betulkan niat kita. hehe

and they say said...

slm nad,ktorng dh smpi plymouth..korng ble lk nk dtg kent:)

UmmI naDziRah bIntI zAin0L said...

hihiihi.. ader sebab knape sye idok dpt g fuiyo.. :)
ssingguhnya susunan Allah tue dah cntek kn ^^

Mra Mastura said...

sangat jeles menjalan2.. =___="