Saturday, October 9, 2010

dah dewasa!!~

again: post yang terlewat lagi.

8 oktober 1991 lahir seorang bayi yang comel.
tembam gila tau!
dia ialah asyikeen mohd noor.
my favorite cousin.

8 oktober 2010, syikeen dah 19 years old!!
dah besar!
boleh kahwin sudah!
kan? kan?

happy birthday adik!!

i promised to do something for her, unfortunately, i broke my promise. :'(
i didn't do anything for her.
bad me. 
bad kak Nad.
bad cousin.

hendak hadiah tak?
tunggu 3 tahun lagi ye?

dah 19 tahun ni, elok-elok lah.
jangan nakal-nakal lagi!!
tahu tak aku sayang kau?! 

belajar rajin-rajin.
nanti dah kerja, boleh belanja aku.

i know, now you already have a new favourite kakak sedara.
don't forget me dah la.

p/s: up till now, im still touched with that fb interview question:

the question: what's the best/sweet/whatsoever memory with Nadiah Sahum?
you answered: time dia buaikan saya selepas balik sekolah tadika. :)


narry said...

so sweet eh your post for cikin :)

nadiahs said...

sweet ke?
ni terpakse ni..