Thursday, October 28, 2010

of fast food and water leakage.

woot woootttttttttttt!
mari-mari baca cerita ini!

an unforgettable event that colours my life here in plymouth!
since a looooooongg timeeeeee agoo,
kami; kangga, ayein, hana and i had always wanted to eat fast food here. (walhal baru sebulan di sini)
konon-kononnya rindu laa segala macam fast food kat malaysia.
and we were informed by our beloved seniors yang ada satu fast food here yang HALAL!!
wow! amazing kan?
so after delaying for sooo many times, we decided to eat it today as our dinner.
of course la the food is delivery service punya~
besides, hana and ayein were fasting, so okay la tu kan?

after ordering tu, we ate la.
the venue was in my house; House 20!
it was after maghrib.
and as usual, berbual, bergossip la kami.
of all sorts of things.
from education (erk, ada ke yang ini), friends, travelling.
then, it was 9 pm!
it was quite late dahhhh. 
haruslah balik rumah, cuci pinggan semua kan?

ayein pun melangkah ke dapur to do the dishes.
aish, sebaik sahaja dia turn on the tap, we could here water dripping, okay, not dripping.
it was like shhhwooooshhhhhh!!!
waterfall-like-sound muncul out of nowhere.
tiba-tiba saja menitik-menitik  turun bagai air hujan in a place where we store our dustbin and a big water heater machine.
terkejut man!!!!

luckily kangga was there.
girls kan usually panic if this kind of thing strikes kan?
kangga la hero kami, he called the emergency line.

eheemm! lakonan semula saja ni! :p
meanwhile, the water level increased!!
mop and baldi keluar!
kami pun jadi maid sementara.
hana and ayein sangat dedicated. 
and then, pak cik maintenance datang!
he checked and went back to get help from his friend.
so baik la pak cik itu!
he went back to get two portable heaters for my house and a machine yang duk sedut air~ (tatau nama dia apa :p )
we were amazed fo a while tengok machine tu.
pak cik tu la duk sedut air tu.
and he was very funny la!!
sempat pula acah-acah si ayein! 

for now, the water still leaks, but not as bad as before.
the pak cik asked us to wait till tomorrow and he'll come and fixed it.
hopefully, things will be better!!

all in all, it was a terrifying yet very fun experience!! 
(kenapa ayat macam conclusion essay?)

okay ini serious betul punya! tong sampah penuh air kot!


Holy River said...

Ckp pasal education??? Tu penipuan terhebat dlm abad ni wei...ahaks!

nadiahs said...

ade la!!
tk de ke??
kan kite ade ckp pasal drama sket td.. :p

Mra Mastura said...

ngeh ngeh ngeh.. XD water leak! hehe

nadiahs said...

haha! jgn kejam wei!!
penat wooo sedut air~

Hafez said...

what an amazing story. xpelah ini adalah satu pengalaman pahit manis yg kroang akan kenag smp bebile

nadiahs said...

hahah! mmg pun.. sgt sgt kenangan yang ngeng tp best!

tintabercerita said...

ai..nad ko kot lap skali tak?ke doksnap2 gambo2 je..hahah

nadiahs said...

eh mop mop~
bila nak snap pics, kene la ready! ;)